Kirkos Sub City Kebele 12/13/25 Public Center
HiLCoE School of Computer Science & Technology
Bunna Insurance Head Quarter
Ethiopian Road Authority HQ
Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
National Regional State of Oromia office
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (Bole Branch)
Demble City Center ደምበል ሲቲ ሴንተር
Ethiopian Employees Commission
Transport constraction Designs sc
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (Finfine Branch)
Ethiopian Insurance Corporation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs ሸራተን አዲስ
Ministry of Trade & Industry
Ministry of Trade & Industry
National Bank of Ethiopia office
Awash International Bank (HO)
Ethiopian Investment Commission
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Ethiopian Revenues & Custom Authority
Federal Democratic Ethiopian Sport Commission
Addis Ababa City Road Authority
KeeKoo Design (Traditional Upper Class Clothes and More)
African Union headquarters
Office for government communication affers
The Federal Ethics And Anti-Corruption Commission Of Ethiopia
Shemendefer Cafe & Restaurant
Jupiter International Hotel (Kazanchis)
Intercontinental Bistro and Long Term Appartments
Ethiopian Transport and Road Authority የኢትዮጵያ መንገዶች ባልሰልጣን
Kirkos subcity Wereda 07 Multi Purpose Youth Center
“Red Terror” Martyrs’ Memorial Museum
Addis Ababa City Admin. Auditor General Office
Addis Ababa Regional Laboratory
Ethiopian Railway Corporation HQ
Aphrodite International Hotel
Elily International Hotel
United Nations Conference Center
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ethiopian Red Cross Society H/Q የደም ባንክ
Hyatt Regency International Hotel
Bless Massage Spa & Beauty Center
Federal First Instance Court House
Kirkos Sub City - Land Administration
Kirkos SubCity Administrative Office
Addis Ababa Housing Development Agency
Mama's Inn Boutique hotel
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Headquarters
Union Cocktail Bar & Restaurant