Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia.

96 Hospitals found:

Selihom Clinic

Ghandi Hospital

Icon center of special surgery

Arsho laboratories

1st Chiropractic Clinic

Amanuel Psychiatric Hospital

yehuleshet referral hospital

Ayer Tena primary Hospital

St. Yared general hospital ቅዱስ ያሬድ አጠቃላይ ሆስፒታል

Joy maternity hospital

ቅ/ጴጥሮስ ሆስፒታል (የመንግስት)

Afincho Ber Health Center

Ethio-Tebib Hospital

Ethiopian Federal Police Hospital

Ethiopian Cardiac Center

Dejazmach Balcha Abanefso Hospital

Ginbot 20 Health Center

Addis Ketema Health Center

Addis Ketema Health Center

Ethiopian Public Health Institute

St. Paul's Hospital Millenium Medical College

Addis ketema health center

Icmc Hospital

Dream Orthopedics Trauma and Spine Center

Woreda 13 Health Center

Woreda 09 Health Center


Nifas Silk Woreda 9 Health Center

Yeka subcity wereda 10 Health care center

New leaf fertility & reproductive care center

eyasu chemicals and pharmaceutical industry

Ras Desta Hospital

General Jagama Kello Memorial Health Station


Ethiopian Federal Police Commission Referal Hospital

Balcha Hospital

Samba Nekerssa Hospital

Addis ketema sub city health center

St.Paul Hospital

Ras Desta Damtew

Yekatit 12 Hospital

Ghandi Hospital

Zewditu Memorial Hospital

Bethezata Hospital ቤተዛታ ሆስፒታል

Signum Vitae Eye Clinic

Brass MCH hospital

Myungsung Christian Medical Center (Korean Hospital)

Addis Cardiac Hospital

Hayat hospital

Zembaba Hospital

Brook hospital;Brook Hospital

Betsegah Obstetric and Gynacological Special Hospital

Tekelehaymanot Hospital

Tirunesh Dibaba Hospital


Cure hospital

Tor Hailoch Hospital

Yordanos Hospital (Orthopaedic)

Ethi-Tebib Hospital

Land Mark Hospital


Alert Hospital

St.Yared Hospital

Addis Ababa Regional Laboratory

Nordic Medical Centre

St Petros Specialized TB Hospital

Getasews office

Akaki Health Center

Hallelujah Hospital

Nain Specialized Maternal And Child Hospital

The Lion's Den Resort;The Lion’s Den resort

Wabe Shebelle Clinic

St'gebriel General Hospital

Hamlin Fistula Hospital


Bethel Teaching

Gesund specialized cardiac center

TZNA Hospital

Afran primary hospital

Addis Hiwot Hospital

Eka Kotebe general hospital

Ethiopia clinic

Addis General Hospital

Tibeb Bekechene Health center


Bulbula Health Center

Hidassie Health Center, Lideta Woreda 02

Sitota mental health hospital

Health centre ( Summit Summit Tena Tabiya )

Goro wereda 09 health center

Amin General Hospital

Addis Ababa Silk Road General Hospital

wereda 9 clinic

Tikur Anbessa Hospital Oncology Center

Korea Hospital

Tikur Anbass (Black Lion) General Specialized Hospital

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