Icon center of special surgery
Amanuel Psychiatric Hospital
yehuleshet referral hospital
Ayer Tena primary Hospital
St. Yared general hospital ቅዱስ ያሬድ አጠቃላይ ሆስፒታል
Afincho Ber Health Center
Ethiopian Federal Police Hospital
Dejazmach Balcha Abanefso Hospital
Addis Ketema Health Center
Addis Ketema Health Center
Ethiopian Public Health Institute
St. Paul's Hospital Millenium Medical College
Addis ketema health center
Dream Orthopedics Trauma and Spine Center
Nifas Silk Woreda 9 Health Center
Yeka subcity wereda 10 Health care center
New leaf fertility & reproductive care center
eyasu chemicals and pharmaceutical industry
General Jagama Kello Memorial Health Station
Ethiopian Federal Police Commission Referal Hospital
Addis ketema sub city health center
Zewditu Memorial Hospital
Bethezata Hospital ቤተዛታ ሆስፒታል
Myungsung Christian Medical Center (Korean Hospital)
Brook hospital;Brook Hospital
Betsegah Obstetric and Gynacological Special Hospital
Yordanos Hospital (Orthopaedic)
Addis Ababa Regional Laboratory
St Petros Specialized TB Hospital
Nain Specialized Maternal And Child Hospital
The Lion's Den Resort;The Lion’s Den resort
St'gebriel General Hospital
Gesund specialized cardiac center
Eka Kotebe general hospital
Tibeb Bekechene Health center
Hidassie Health Center, Lideta Woreda 02
Sitota mental health hospital
Health centre ( Summit Summit Tena Tabiya )
Goro wereda 09 health center
Addis Ababa Silk Road General Hospital
Tikur Anbessa Hospital Oncology Center
Tikur Anbass (Black Lion) General Specialized Hospital